Norman Vine writes:

 > I see that but I thought one of the motivating factors for the
 > 'properties' was to have a central location for all of the 'data'

There are different kinds of data.  The property tree is meant to
represent the shared state of the program; when a subsystem happens to
use an XML file to set up its internal state -- information that is of
no use to the rest of the program and that cannot be changed without a
reinit (i.e. use this texture with these UV coordinates for layer 3 of
the instrument) -- it doesn't make sense to clutter the property tree
with it.  Those trees are usually deleted as soon as the subsystem is
set up (i.e. they exist for perhaps 0.1 sec).  We could just as easily
use another format for internal initialization, but since the XML
support is already available, it was the easiest route.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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