David Megginson writes:

>Mike Bonar writes:

>> I have been mostly interested in AI and terrain rendering, but I am
>> open to working on anything.

>You can also take a look at Dave Luff's ATC code in src/ATC/ -- he
>might have some TODO jobs.

Yup, there's a black hole full of TODO jobs in there!

With regard to AI traffic, the current limit of my ambition is to get light 
singles to fly circuits and taxi in and out of GA airfields, and light 
twins to fly straight in approaches between them, mainly to get more 
than one plane in the sky at once to test the ATC.  No-one is 
working on commercial AI traffic flying IFR flight-plans AFAIK, 
although James Turner has written some tidy looking flight-plan 
classes that might come in handy for anyone trying it.  I'd be quite 
happy to add ATC support as needed.

With regard to ATC, there's at least one other person working on it 
besides myself, but AFAIK no-one is attempting to model centre 
control - I might have the terminology wrong there but I'm referring to 
control of the airways away from airfield tower/approach/departure 
control.  Additionally, if you're into graphs, movement, shortest paths 
and all that, which is classical sort of AI stuff really, then there's 
plenty of that to be sorted to get ground control working robustly.  I'm 
plugging away at some textbooks now, but there's lots of work in that 
that could be spread about.

Just drop me a line if you feel like joining in!

Additionally, I don't want what I've done to become a deterrent by 
inertia to people who could do it better.  Particularly the AI traffic is 
very much an early work in progress, and if you (or others) feel you 
could do a better job from scatch then I'll quite happily support Curt 
and David in throwing my stuff out or porting the good bits to another 
framework if it does turn out better.

And since you specifically asked (whats in the job jar?), here's some 
of the stuff I'd be tempted to do if I ever got the sack and had loads of 

Wrap the windows binary, atlas and the base package up in a GPL 
compatible installer with some nice info screens including one 
pointing out that we model prop-torque and wash effects by default 
whereas in other sims one generally has to switch them on!

Write a graphical tool (possibly based on existing code) to layout 
taxiway logical networks, names, weight limits etc on a background 
of the existing rendered image.

Add a charting facility to atlas to produce imitations of airport layout 
and IFR charts based on flightgear's internal data.

Instant replay of last 60 secs of flight feature.  (I'm pretty sure 
Flightgear has some flight logging now so shouldn't be too hard).

Graphical flight analysis.

Thats all I could think of for now - I don't have my Flightgear scribble 
book with me at the moment.

Merry Christmas to everyone BTW :-)

Cheers - Dave

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