ace project writes:

 > I just looked at FGModelMgr. How can I add models to
 > it in runtime ? Calling "init()" everytime the number
 > of multiplayers clients changes if very inefficient
 > (but might work) and risks memory leaks(?).
 > So I think I need a better way of doing this.

While it's polished, you can now add and remove models from the
manager with these public methods:

  FGModelMgr::add_instance (FGModelMgr::Instance * instance)
  FGModelMgr::remove_instance (FGModelMgr::Instance * instance)

The add method transfers pointer ownership.  You have to set up the
Instance structure appropriately, including a pointer to an
FGModelPlacement instance.

This is untested -- please let me know if it works.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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