David Culp writes:

 > >  It looks like there is code that is *supposed* to
 > > subtract the wind from the airspeed, but it obviously isn't working.
 > This made me curious.  Does FlightGear simulate windshear?

To simulate windshear properly (i.e. in the right place at the right
time and magnitude), we would need to do a lot of meteorological work
that we're not doing right now.  However, you can get the effect of
windshear by specifying a large gust factor

  fgfs --wind=180@10:40

or by giving a JSBSim-based flight model a large turbulence value

  fgfs --prop:/environment/turbulence-norm=0.5

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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