* Richard Bytheway -- Thursday 20 February 2003 16:13:
> Once it has created the CVS directory in the root of the local copy,
> you can use the regular update command "cvs -z3 up -dP" to carry on
> getting more.

You do not really use "cvs -z3 up -dP" every time, do you? cvs has a
configuration file ~/.cvsrc where you can put your favorite settings
for each of the cvs commands. I'm using this as my ~/.cvsrc:

  cvs -z4 -q
  diff -up
  update -dP
  checkout -P
  rdiff -u

In other words: every cvs command uses -z4 and -q, while the update
command (up) =additionally= uses -dP. I can still override these
settings for a specific repository, but it never turned out to be

So, the "regular" update command should IMHO be "cvs up".

m.   :-) 

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