> > Oh, I meant "higher" to refer to the throttle, not altitude. I know
> > FL300 is too low for long-haul flights, but I would have thought that
> > you don't need more than 90% throttle during cruise.
> You don't.  What I said was that 300kt IAS is cruise speed at 30,000ft.  That
> should work out to about 490-500kt true airspeed.

Thanks Jim, things look a lot better now. I tried a flight today, from
EDDF to KDTW, which should be well in the range of a fully loaded
747-400. I used full throttle to climb to FL290 first, then in steps
up to FL410. Throttle was taken back so as to make the airspeed
something between Mach 0.82 and 0.84 (towards the end, this worked out
at less than 80%). Even so, I didn't make it -- I had to land the bird
at CYYR with only a few minutes' worth of fuel (at full throttle)

This is all with the 747 config modified to full tank on take-off

All other settings, weather included, were the default.

Any ideas?


Major Andras
    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    www:    http://andras.webhop.org/

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