I've started basic GPS support under in /instrumentation/gps/.  Right
now, the GPS publishes the following properties:


I'm not sure whether the advanced navigation features (waypoints and
so on) belong here or in a higher-level module.  I'm not simulating
errors and loss of satellites yet (position and altitude are always
accurate), but the 'raim' property provides a future placeholder for
us to do so.

To try it out, browse to /instrumentation/gps/ in the property browser
and watch the properties update as you fly (it's especially
interesting to do so at high altitude and compare the groundspeed to
the indicated airspeed).

Perhaps, for a start, someone would like to throw together a very
simplistic GPS display based on these properties so that we can stick
it onto some panels.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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