Danie Heath writes:

 > My copy of FGFS shows all the information below in the property browser,
 > but only exports the value of 0 ... I then checked any of the other
 > properties, and they export just fine ... I also tried the telnet route,
 > and exactly the same happened ... do you have any ideas how I can
 > fix it ?

Which aircraft?  Because of the way the electrical system is designed,
each one needs to be edited separately to add a GPS power supply --
this is going to get to be a big pain as we get more and more aircraft
with customized electrical systems.

I made the change for the default 172 electrical system (which many
other aircraft use), but it will have to be added manually elsewhere.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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