Jim Wilson writes:

 > Note that with stall my nose wheel touched simultaneously with the
 > right main, the left trailing shortly.  I'm not sure how to read
 > the "sink rate" or "contact force" values.  Did I break anything?

Your nosewheel should have been high enough to obscure the rest of the
runway: if it wasn't, then you were either too fast or (more likely)
in a full stall too high up.  Trust me -- that happens a lot in
real-life primary flight training as well.   Still, that's an
impressive landing distance.

I'm having trouble getting very far under 350 feet myself, but I'm
probably a little reluctant to drop it so hard (my posterior still has
a strong sense memory of some of my student landings) -- I'm also
flying with the mouse, since my yoke and rudder pedals are at home,
but I don't think that should make a difference.

If anyone wants a real challenge, try landing the Cub across the
runway instead of along it.  It should be easily doable with the
200-foot wide runway, but I haven't quite succeeded yet.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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