Adam Renner writes:

 > I am interested in contributing to the flightgear project.  I am a
 > novice level programmer, so hopefully I can start by finding
 > something to work on that requires little skill.

We have some good news for you, then.  For the past few years, we've
been working hard to make it possible for non-programmers to customize
and extend large parts of FlightGear.  

1. Aerodynamics

All of our major physics engines (JSBSim, YASim, and UIUC/LaRCsim) use
simple text configuration files to define the aerodynamic behaviour of
a new airplane.  Unless your plane uses something that we do not yet
support (like a helicopter rotor blade), you don't need to write a
single line of C++ code to model the a new aircraft in FlightGear.

2. GUI

The GUI is now mostly controlled by XML configuration files, though
there is still a little legacy code left to prune out.  You are
welcome to design new drop-down menus and dialog boxes, again, without
needing to write any C++ code.

3. 3D Models

We need many, many more 3D models to fill out our virtual world --
everything from rocks and bushes to detailed models of aircraft and
terminal buildings.

4. Navigation Data

We're always interested in extending our current database of navaids,
fixes, airports, and ATC frequencies -- feel free to contribute
anything that's missing.

There's more as well, including scripting, but this should make a good

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

Flightgear-devel mailing list

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