Innis Cunningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> So this is a windows problem Eric.
> It seems to happen all the time(very short pauses).But sometimes the problem 
> stalls the sim.I fly mainly around Australia but I do have the default 
> scenery and it happens with that to.
> What is threading ???.And how do I turn it on under CYGWIN.
> So is there a difference between the binaries that Norman creates and the 
> ones that are ceated with CYGWIN.

Also there are certain conditions that can worsen the thrashing.  Threads
really only addresses periodic brief pauses (assuming your cpu is PII or

The long pauses can be exasperated by a couple things having to do with tile
caching.  One is excessive visibility, if you hit the z key to expand your
visibility to unusually long distances the number of tiles in the scenery
cache grows exponentially.

Another factor can have to do with the location of "views" and switching
views.   The tower views (views 3 and 4) are setup at your starting location.
 If you fly far away, so that the scenery tiles local to the aircraft are
completely different than those at the tower it is possible to trigger
thrashing by switching back to that tower view.  This doesn't seem to be much
of an issue on my system,  but if combined with an expanded visibility, it can
easily thrash itself to a crash.  If we had a gps style "get nearest airport"
it might be fun to have the towers follow along, which would help that issue.

There is a bug in there however, that produces crashes under certain 
circumstances. I've never been able to pinpoint just what it is.  It does seem
to be associated with thrashing (and initiated by/with excessive thrashing). 
Obviously, with any amount of thrashing the scenery code should be able to
recover eventually.



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