On Fri, 27 Jun 2003 17:04:44 -0500
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A neat effect I saw once in one of those big full motion sims was to
> model a mirror image of the night lighting below the bridge so it
> showed up looking like the bridge lights reflected off the water.
> Given that our water is a hard surface, that might be hard for us to
> do currently, but it would be interesting to try to think of a way to
> make this work ... maybe draw the water surface first with depth
> buffering off????

Actually, what they use where I work is a mirror image of the whole
scenery (quite a few objects), at least the part that is situated near
water (rivers, lakes, sea), so that everything is reflected. The water
texture is drawn with some transparency. I don't have any details about
how that can de done, though.

Jorge Van Hemelryck

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