Curtis L. Olson wrote:
Erik Hofman writes:
Jim Wilson wrote:

Someday there'll be a place for FlightGear addons on avsim, etc.
Maybe we can speed it up but renaming it to:

FlightGear Skybound 2005

How about "FlightGear Ultra-Professional Edition Version 10.0 +++"

At some point, version numbers went from denoting differences between
versions of the same product and now they seem to be used more as a
marketing tool to try to make one product sound more advanced than
it's competition.  Leave it to marketing to screw up something
useful. :-)

Yeah, let alone MS Flight Simulator, which already has the version 2004!!!! (we don't even have 0.9.3:)))

- Matevz
Flightgear-devel mailing list

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