Jon Berndt writes:

 > Yeah, it's pretty bad.  Microsoft ought to be completely
 > embarrassed. For those of you whose ISPs provide a filtering
 > service I'd advise taking it.  I pay about $2 a month for this
 > service and it has caught ALL of the virii headed for my Inbox.

I regularly filter both at my ISP and on my home computer.
Unfortunately, once the volume gets that high, the ISP's whole system
starts suffering.  Note that the actual virus email (exe/bat/pif/scr
attachments) is a small minority of the problem -- most of the mail is
virus warnings or bounces from messages that infected computers sent,
with my return address attached.

 > David: Is there a way you can simply disable the address for a week
 > or so until this clears up?

That's what's happened, but I'm afraid that it's not going to clear
up.  I was getting hundreds (and sometimes over a thousand) such
messages every day before the current outbreak.  I see no way that
things are going to slow down now -- the forged messages from me will
keep finding their way to new Outlook installations.  I will keep
hoping, though.



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