I think that my long-held [EMAIL PROTECTED] address will have to be
euthanised.  It has been getting many tens of thousands of messages a
day, nearly all false bounces or (ironically) warnings from
virus-checking software, and even just the CPU load for the procmail
filtering for those messages (I can catch over 90% of them) is more
than any ISP is willing to take on.  I'm able to keep
[EMAIL PROTECTED] alive, fortunately, but I'll have to pick a new
[EMAIL PROTECTED] address for myself.

Thus I, who do not use Outlook or Windows, have ended up a victim of
that software.  I've lost my well-known e-mail address (published in
books, magazine and newspaper articles, and Web sites) and have
possibly missed out on consulting work and other opportunities, not to
mention a week's lost time dealing with the problem.

Note that the people who use virus-checking software are doing me as
much damage than the people without it, because of all the false virus
warning messages being sent to me automatically.  As I explained to
someone recently, using Outlook to read e-mail is like licking public
toilets; using Outlook with a virus checker is like taking antibiotics
and then licking public toilets (it might work, but it's hardly

Please, people, if you have a choice, don't read e-mail with Outlook,
or at least, don't read the flightgear lists with that program.  I
know that some of you are forced to use Outlook at work, but there's
no excuse for using it at home or school.  Just say no: there are many
decent alternatives even for Windows, such as Eudora and Mozilla mail.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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