On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Norman Vine wrote:

> This is a recnt change, perhaps you need to do a CVS up

Yup, that sorted it - looks like I was running quite an old cvs snapshot,
I think I downloaded it when there were some problems with the cvs server.
A fresh checkout compiled much easier, with no fiddling required to get
terra to build.

> < aside >
> Ah now we are leaving science and getting into art :-)
> < /aside >

Oh dear - I never was much of an artist :-)

> The factor value is the only one which is required to be as above < it
> sets the scaling for vertical scale vs horizontal scale of the input
> data >


> AFAIK these values are the ones that Curt was using as I just copied them
> from his 'C' driver program for the arrayfit process

Yes - the values shown by both progs when run without parameters are the

> I would decrease the maxerror considerably < perhaps to 2 at least to 5> as
> AFAICT Terra will always insert nodes ordered by 'max error' and will always
> quit when maxnodes is reached.
> As to what to use for maxnodes, I am not sure.

Right, I've got:

terrafit.py -f 0.033333 -m 50 -x 1200 -e 2 $work/DEM-30

I'll see what that creates, and tweak it as necessary.

> I wouldn't worry to much about run time as Terra is 'remarkably' quick.
> i.e using Terra even when driven with a Python script should be substantially
> more then an order of magnitude quicker then using arrayfit
> It's worth getting Terra running before starting the global decimation :-)

Well it's running with the settings as above, I'll see what it spits out.

Jon Stockill

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