Lee Elliott writes:

 > I'm on Debian unstable too.  Included in the problems I've experienced are 
 > incorrect panel icons that I can't corrected, problems with icons in some 
 > Gnome apps, panel entries loosing properties after I've set them and an 
 > inability to re-configure old gnome apps such as gmc, together with the 
 > reduced level of control and configuration in general.

I haven't tried gmc for a long time, but otherwise, I'm not seeing
these problems.  It might be that something is screwed up in your
installation, perhaps some left-over crud.  Try setting up a new
account and logging into it, and see if you have the problems with
icons and lost properties there as well.

 > Personally, I hope that the Gnome and KDE teams never merge because
 > monocultures are never a good thing.  As long as they each make
 > sure their own stuff works with the other's environment, which in
 > general it does, I'm happier with them going their own ways.

I think I'd be happier seeing both as competing flavours within a
single desktop environment.  There will never be a monoculture as long
as we have alternatives like ratpoison.

  apt-get install ratpoison

if you've never tried it -- you'll never have a cleaner desktop.

All the best,


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