Jon Stockill writes:

 > > I tried fixing that a few weeks ago by providing an option to set
 > > objects on the ground.  Unfortunately, I didn't manage to find a way
 > > to calculate ground level at load time.
 > How are the random objects placed on the ground? Surely it's the same
 > calculation?

I had thought so initially, but it turns out that there are quite a
few differences.  Pseudo-random objects are generated when the scenery
mesh is fully set up and are placed not by lat/lon but only relative
to the centre of each mesh triangle.  Static objects need absolute
coordinates, so they don't start out associated with any specific mesh
triangle, and their loading is often deferred through a special

I'd like to take another shot at it, but the scenery-loading code is
particularly obfuscated, and I find it slow going.

All the best,


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