Hello Innis,

Where people have given permission there is no problem at all but if a FG 
document says "you have to get this artwork for yourself because we 
aren't allowed to include it" then we're admiting that we don't have 
permission to use it but that there's a loop-hole that allows individuals 
to get around the restriction and we advocate that individuals do this.

Basically, if FlightGear can't get permission to use something then it 
must be assumed that the author doesn't want it used in that way.

An exception to this would be if the author refused permission for it to 
be included in FG but explicitly permitted it's use by individuals in FG.  
An author might agree to this because they may only want to make the work 
available through their own web-site or because they want to prevent 
commercial use, which the GPL allows.  This permission would really have 
to be explicitly sought and agreed though, to avoid accusations of trying 
to side-step the intentions of the author.

The author probably wouldn't have a problem with individuals using the 
artwork in FG if they decided to try it on their own initative but I 
don't think that FG could get away with offically advocating it.


On Saturday 18 October 2003 13:38, Innis Cunningham wrote:
> Lee Elliott  writes>
> Hi Lee
> You are absolutely right. But I was just making people aware that some 
> of the MSFS panels can be used in FG with little effort.
> What problem would there be if the readme for a panel xml file said that 
> would work with a certain MSFS background.As long as the person uses it 
> themself and do not try to redistribute it.
> Also if people have a look on Wolfram Kuss's site they will find a list 
> MSFS designers who have given us permission to use there designs.
> Cheers
> Innis
> The Mad Aussi
> >I think it would be a better idea to either get permission to use the
> >artwork or make some new artwork, even if the FS98 artwork was used as 
> >template.
> >
> >It would be better to avoid the possiblity of any accusations of 
> >abuse where the license has restrictions.
> >
> >LeeE
> >
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