On Sunday 16 November 2003 12:30, Innis Cunningham wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I guess this is directed to the model makers.
> I am making a model with AC3D and I have five surfaces
> that stay white in FG even though I apply a material to them.
> I have tried fliping normals or rearranging the vertex order but still
> they show white.
> The strange thing is that sometimes when I start FG it only runs at
> 1fps at this time the surfaces appear with there correct material color.
> Also if I apply a texture to the surfaces they are OK and display the 
> texture.
> Does anyone know how to overcome this problem as I had intended to only
> cover the surfaces with a material.But if it can't be fixed I will have 
> make
> textures for them
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers
> Innis
> The Mad Aussi

Strange...  Could you put a copy of the model up somewhere so we could 
have a look at it.

That it seems to work ok with s/w rendering must be significant, although 
what that significance means I don't know.  Sort of indicates that the 
problem might not be with the model/texturing though, because it works 
under some circumstances.


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