Dave Perry writes:
> When in an outside view
> 1.   If  my vasi view line is below the center of the aircraft, all the 
> lights are white.
> 2.   If my vasi view line is above the center of the aircraft, all the 
> light are red.
> 3.  If my vasi view line passes throught the center of the aircraft. 
> half the lights are red and half are white.
> Its as if the light color is determined by where the aircraft is 
> relative to my line of sight to the vasi lights instead being determined 
> by where the aircraft is relative to the 3 degree line.
>  From the normal inside view, all the lights stay red as the center of 
> the aircraft is still below my eyes (i.e. plane location is below the 
> line of sight to the vasi lights). 
> If I knew where to look in the code, I would look to see if the wrong 
> decision reference is being used (plane location wrt line of sight 
> instead of plane location wrt 3 degree line).

I did some work this evening in simgear/flightgear to track some
additional vasi positional information so that I can then compute the
angle and correct color.  This is a first stab and the result is a
gross simplification of what really happens.  There are some things I
still need to research adn think about, and an item or two I know
isn't quite right.  But the vasi/papi lights are now colored by your
approach angle and not your view angle which is a big improvement.

I'll need to spend some more time on this to get the remaining issues
ironed out, so please don't panic if they don't look quite right yet.


Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at' me.umn.edu             curt 'at' flightgear.org
Minnesota      http://www.flightgear.org/~curt  http://www.flightgear.org

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