> * The autopilot should get input from other instruments (airspeed
> indicator, altimeter, attitude indicator, etc.), and not from
> /position/altitude-ft, /velocities/..., etc. That way the wing-leveler
> would be unuseable if the attitude indicator was "broken".
> Failures in the
> underlying instruments and systems would affect the autopilot.

This is something that has been on my mind for a while, too. I wouldn't say
that the inputs to the FCS or A/P should be from the instruments always.
For my uses, in JSBSim, we might want to have a "sensor" class that can be
failed in one or more ways, and biased, or massaged in some way so as to
model a real sensor reading instead of using (as you have pointed out) the
perfect EOM state data all the time.

With some creativity, in the JSBSim case with our FCS components and the
sensor class, maybe we could eventually model independent sensors feeding
into quad redundant FCS strings. Not sure we could vote a signal out using
the general purpose system we have.


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