On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 21:19:25 -0000
 "Vivian Meazza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Jon S Berndt tells us

First, the aircraft - like any body - rotates about its CG (according to the EOM) - not usually the same as the AC.

So put the (visual) model origin at or near the CofG - what's the problem? Seems to work OK in practice.

Really confused now

That is certainly one solution. Then define the VRP in the JSBSim config file (for JSBSim aircraft - I don't know how YASim does this), as coincident with the CG. Then, build your 3D model with the origina at the CG.


when the CG moves due to leanding gear deployment, or dropping loads, or fuel burnoff, the vehicle will rotate about the wrong point, eventually. It won't be real noticeable, but it will be there.

That's why we provide the capability for both the 3D model designer and the FDM designer to agree on a common visual reference point, and things can be made much more accurate and allow for dynamic effects.


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