On Friday 27 February 2004 14:02, David Megginson wrote:
> Erik Hofman wrote:
> > Modified Files:
> >     radar_misc.rgb
> > Log Message:
> > Add support for a storm blib
> Excellent.
> As far as I know, civilian airliners carry radar that is capable only of
> detecting weather, not small things like aircraft.  They also use a
> separate radar system for ground separation (the radar altimeter).  For
> traffic, they use TCAS, which is equivalent to secondary surveillance radar
> (i.e. it detects other planes only if their transponders are on, and does
> not pick up primary targets).
> I'm sure that some of the very newest airliners can integrate all of this
> information into a single multifunction display, but for most of the
> existing fleet, I don't know if traffic and weather would appear on the
> same display or not.  Can anyone chime in with concrete information?
> I'm sure that military combat aircraft must have radar with primary traffic
> capability, since the enemy is sometimes too inconsiderate to turn on the
> transponder.
> All the best,
> David

Yeah - lots of modes, from narrow angle boresight to vertical & horizontal 
cross-scans, different doppler stuff for crossing the scan and approaching 
it...  and that's just air-to-air.  More and different doppler stuff for 
look-down A2A, not to mention ground mapping stuff.

Trend these days is more for passive optical stuff, both A2A & A2G.  Afaik, 
IR's better for initial acquisition - it's longer lived and so gives a bigger 
target, but you want to switch to visible as soon as you detect some 
contrast.  Need active lasers for ranging though, I think.

Funnily enough, while should be relatively easy to kludge, it seems a bit 
pointless to me...


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