On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 19:41:08 +0200
 Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

/gear/nose /gear/l_main /gear/r_main /gear/tail_skid /gear/left_top /gear/right_tip

The only change might be that YASim should allow for defining named gear locations.


I don't know anything about how the 3D animation stuff works, but the above idea seems good to me.

Andy: Regarding the LEFT|RIGHT group membership thing, there is a reason for it. There also are probably several ways to accomplish the same things - maybe even better ones, but this is the way it occurred to me to do it at the time. The problem is that if we have, say, four main gear (like on a 747) and a nose gear, how do we know which gear to apply braking commands to, since there are only two brake pedals? In JSBSim we can define bogeys in any order, so we can't really take the order to mean anything. We _could_ use some kind of AI to say that if the gear has a negative Y coordinate, then it is on the left side. But, what about (for instance) the outrigger struts on a B-52? I am guessing those have no brakes to speak of. Specifying the brake group membership was a way for us to sort of connect a bogey definition in JSBSim with the relevant brake command coming from FlightGear.


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