Jon S Berndt said:

> On Tue, 06 Apr 2004 18:58:03 +0200
>   Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >JSBSim does basically the same (although there is a name allocated 
> >for it), but the real question is: Is left most defined 0, or is 
> >right mos define d0, or is it something completely different 
> >(numbered in order of appearance)?
> >
> >Erik
> Here is an example of our gear definition:
> AC_GEAR NOSE -6.8 .0 -20.0 1800 600 .5 .8 .02 STEERABLE NONE 10 FIXED
> AC_GEAR L_MAIN 58.2 -43.0 -17.9 5400 1600 .5 .8 .02 CASTERED LEFT 0 
> AC_GEAR R_MAIN 58.2 43.0 -17.9 5400 1600 .5 .8 .02 CASTERED RIGHT 0 
> AC_GEAR TAIL_SKID 188.0 .0 8.0 20000 1000 .2 .2 .2 FIXED NONE 0 FIXED
> AC_GEAR LEFT_TIP 43.2 -214.8 59.4 10000 2000 .2 .2 .2 FIXED NONE 0 
> AC_GEAR RIGHT_TIP 43.2 214.8 59.4 10000 2000 .2 .2 .2 FIXED NONE 0 
> See, we have contact points in addition to actual wheeled bogeys 
> defined. The X, Y, Z coords of the contact point for each gear us 
> there, as are the static and dynamic friction coefficients, rolling 
> resistance, steering type, brake group membership, maximum steering 
> angle, and retreactability.
> They are not now expected to be in any particular order, nor are they 
> given specific names. The layout is somewhat free form. A questions 
> is, how do you set up the gear model to support animation when you may 
> want to model things as varied as a 747, a C-172, a P-51D, a Harrier, 
> etc.?
> Perhaps there should be another identifier that relates a specific 
> gear instance with an associated 3D model gear item?  Perhaps there 
> ought to be an ordering standard? Suggestions?

That looks easy enough.  If there aren't any indications otherwise, the order
they are listed in the config file would be fine.

Maybe adding the text description in the gear/gear[n] path (the NOSE, L_MAIN,
R_MAIN, etc) might help someone trying to figure out which was which.  But of
course they could just look at the config file and count (e.g. R_MAIN must be



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