On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 16:47:42 -0400
 "Sonny Hammaker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
thanks for the tips. So you're suggesting that I leave the J (advance ratio), and coefficients alone, and just modify the Ixx and Diameter parameters accordingly? DONE! Well, this kind of leads me back to the original problem. My plane is supposed to be flying to a set of waypoints, lat, long,
and altitude, and along this flight, should be tracking a.)velocity
and b)altitude. It fly's to the specified lat, and long, but there is no
response from the aircraft when the actual alt. drops below the setpoint altitude. I can see the thrust increase, and with this increase I expect an
increase in lift, but I continues to ever so slowly loose altitude. It never
shows an increase, and hence never tracks the setpoint. Now, this could
be a function of my S&C derivatives, so maybe I'll go and revisit them.

First, let me get clear on what you are using. You are using a JSBSim flight model, within FlightGear, using the FlightGear autopilot?

Earlier, you mentioned controlling the <OUTPUT> portion of the FDM. Why is it that the aircraft reacts differently when different options are enabled? With the right subset enabled, it fly's pretty well, but without, it's a disaster

The <OUTPUT></OUTPUT> section **only** affects how data is logged for post-processing and it has **no** effect on the flight characteristics. I thought you might want to make some plots to see what was happening.

Can you send me your aircraft config file so I can see if it is defined properly? Another thing: you can control how JSBSim outputs some debugging messages that are displayed during aircraft loading. This might be helpful. Try setting the environment variable JSBSIM_DEBUG to 1, or 3, or 7, then run again. This ought to echo in what the program thinks it is reading in from your input file. That might help eliminate any parsing errors.


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