On Saturday 10 April 2004 14:18, Jon Berndt wrote:
> > Okay, I can confirm that the program crash also happens with a JSBSim
> > aircraft.  I used the the A320 (sorry David, the 737 autopilot
> > appears not to
> > support waypoint following, so I couldn't use it, for testing purposes).
> > Since threading doesn't appear to make a difference, I enabled it
> > again for smoother performance.
> So, it's not FDM related?

That's what I would guess. B.t.w, I've found a way to consistently replicate 
the crash, using a relatively short route (about 25 minutes). This route 
requires tile e000n50, as I'm taking off from Amsterdam Schiphol, and 
"crashing" the program at Den Helder Airport.

I've flown this route about six times (3 times with the A320 and three times 
with the 747) and got the crash consistently and _always_ at the same 

I've ran these sessions in the gnu debugger, so I've started fgfs using:

> gdb ./fgfs (from FlightGear-0.9/source/src/Main)


(gdb)  r --aircraft=747 --airport=EHAM --runway=18C

this will place you on runway 18C at schiphol airport. Now fly the following 
- Take off, and make a sharp right turn, to heading 270. 
- At this point, engage the autopilot. I used the following settings: 
* Velocity hold:  300 kts, hold with throttle
* Altitude hold: 10000ft
* True heading hold: 270

Keep this heading until crossing East 03:30:00 (use the HUD, or Atlas)
change autopilot heading hold to 000
 at this point tune nav radio 1 to 115.55 (Den Helder VOR) and the CDI to 
radial 090.

Keep flying heading 000 until intercepting radial 090.
When intercepting (at about 55 mileseast of Den Helder), switch autopilot to 
NAV1 CDI hold mode. The aircraft will now turn to heading 090 and fly 
directly towards Den Helder. Keep an eye on the DME and watch it count back 
to 10 miles, at wich point you will see the program crash (last time I got it 
at 9.5).

What I _think_ is happening here is that the crash occurs because the nearby 
airport of Den Helder (EHKD) is the first controlled airport I encouter after 
having left another controlled airport (EHAM) and having been away far enough 
to cause the AIMgr to remove the AI models it might have loaded for EHAM 
traffic. So when the AI manager wants to reuse these models for EHKD traffic, 
it finds their memory deleted. This is  very similar to what Curt suggested 
in an earlier mail. 

I also tried flying straight from EHAM to EHKD, but nothing unusual happened 


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