Assuming that you are talking about HTML here...

Open the table with:

<table cellpadding=0 borders=0 cellspacing=0>

cellpadding is the space between adjacent cells
borders is the width of the border around each cell
cellspacing is the space between the border and the content of the cell

You can also specify the size of each cell in the table with <td height=... 
width=...>, and this should match the size of the graphic, which should also have its 
size specified in the <img> tag.

Some browsers (old Netscapes in particular) render empty cells as the background 
colour even if there is nothing in them, so you may need to make a 1 pixel square 
graphic of the appropriate colour to coax it into filling any empty cells.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jon Berndt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 20 April 2004 1:47 pm
> To: Flightgear-Devel
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] tables and images and borders ... oh my
> For the life of me, I can't get my sliced images to appear in a table
> without padding and borders, etc. Does anyone know if images 
> have to be
> sized any particular way to get this to work, i.e. an even 
> number of pixels
> or something?
> Jon
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