On Tue, 20 Apr 2004 09:34:29 -0500
 "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jon S Berndt wrote:

Done that. One thing that helped was to set the font size used in teh table to a small number. But, still, I can't get my cut images in the cells with no borders and no padding to line up.

Browser bug?


No, I don't think so, because the previous version worked. To be more descriptive, I am redesigning the left hand side panel at the JSBSim web site, because we have a different set of pages now in-place than before, and because all the items were not previously viewable. Each of the "buttons" was 18 pixels high. Now, the new buttons are 17 pixels high. I have reset the height and width attributes, and so on. But there is still a gap between images.


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