On Thursday 22 April 2004 20:29, Al West wrote:
> Greetings All,
> I think it was very successful show.  I estimate we got about 80 or so
> people a day flying with FlightGear, around 10% managed to land.  It was a
> shame that we were not able to use the controls within the helicopter, due
> to a 'feature' in HP/Compaq Machine USB controller.  However the helicopter
> was certainly the main attraction and IBM were running a competition to win
> a camera of which part of the entry was to have visited the FlightGear
> Stand.
> It was highly enjoyable to be able to talk to people about something one is
> very interested in and I am disappointed that both days passed by so
> quickly. My congratulations go out to the two Jons who did a fantastic job
> in instructing during the show.  It was great to be able to put some faces
> to email addresses.
> I took some photos on the second day (I'm not even a photgrapher by any
> means ;-) which are available at:
>       http://uk2004expo.fotopic.net/
> The images are between 300KB and 700KB (1280x1024) - sorry if you are on
> dialup but I've not had time to crop and compress the images.
> The Fleet Air Arm Museum are very interested in having their own simulator
> but this would depend on them being able to find a sponsor - so it's still
> dubious as to if anything will happen in that respect.  However I was
> talking to one of the members of staff of the Aeronautical Department at
> Imperial College (London) and they are in the process of looking for an
> open-source flightsim for Linux and she was very excited to learn about
> FlightGear.  Also we came across another group who want to use FlightGear
> for displaying and showing UAV data and position.
> Well I'm not a journalist either - but if anyone has any questions about
> the show then feel free to ask.
> Cheers for now,
> Al

It sounds as though things went really well - round of applause to all 
concerned.  I wish I could have got up there, if only to visit but sadly, 
there wasn't any way I could make it.


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