On Wed, 28 Apr 2004 13:29:08 +0100
 "David Luff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The tests compile and link with ../src/libopenal.a, so unless you've hacked their build script or replaced that lib with Norman's then you'll still belinking (the tests) against the original.

I'll have to adjust that. Has anyone gotten OpenAL to work with CygWin?

I think the long term benefits should far outweigh
the short term pain.

... for those _not_ using CygWin.

For those using CygWin, it's fatal at the moment. Unfortunately, I have zero time to look into getting it working, with my workload on JSBSim, preparing for the conference later this summer, etc. So, at least at the moment, I'm stuck with the previous revision of Flightgear.


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