To test if a problem resides with the cesna autopilot i tested  
using "Add Waypoint" and instead of the autopilot guiding the plane to the 
waypoint it just flys in cirlces until it spirals into the ground.  
This autopilot with the cesna did work correctly that last time I tried 
it a couple of weeks ago.  Has someone changed cesna autopilot config file 
to cause this incorrect behaviour?  Is it a problem with the set up on my 
end?  I have tried the pa28-161 and the autopilot works correctly.


 On Tue, 4 May 2004, Seamus Thomas Carroll wrote:

> Hi,
> Last week (maybe two) i was able to create a path for the plane to fly 
> using the following code:
> void AgentUAV::processWaypointsTable( string flightPathTable )
> {
>   double lon, lat;                            
>   string query = "select NumPoints(the_geom) from " + 
>   flightPathTable + " where id = 2;";
>   cout << "query: " << query << endl;
>   PGresult *resultSet = dbInterface->dbQuery( query.c_str() );
>   int numPoints = atoi( PQgetvalue( resultSet, 0, 0 ) );
>   int alt = 2000;
>   string id;
>   cout << "numPoints: " << numPoints << endl;
>   FGRouteMgr *rm = (FGRouteMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("route-manager");
>   SGWayPoint *wp = NULL;
>   for( int point = 1; point <= numPoints; point++ )
>   {
>     char pointChar[256];
>     sprintf(pointChar, "%d", point);
>     string pointString(pointChar);
>     query = "select x(PointN(the_geom,"+ pointString +
>       ")), y(PointN(the_geom,"+ pointString +
>       ")) from "+flightPathTable+";";
>     cout << "query: " << query << endl;
>     resultSet = dbInterface->dbQuery( query.c_str() );
>     lon = atof( PQgetvalue( resultSet, 1, 0 ) );
>     lat = atof( PQgetvalue( resultSet, 1, 1 ) );
>     cout << "lon = " << lon << ", lat = " << lat << endl;
>     id = flightPathTable + "_" + pointString;
>     wp = new SGWayPoint( lon, lat, alt, SGWayPoint::WGS84, id );
>     rm->add_waypoint( *wp );
>   }
>   fgSetString( "/autopilot/locks/heading", "true-heading-hold" );
>   cout << "route size: " << rm->size() << endl;
> }
> Lots of the code is not important to you.  Essentially i pull the (lon, 
> lat) points from the database and add them to the SGWayPoint.
> Upon running my code after a cvs update the planes no longer follow the 
> path but instead fly in tight circles until the plane eventually crashes.
> I cant seem to find the change that has occured to cause this effect.
> Has there been any changes to the autopilot or the FGWaypoint that may 
> have caused this problem?
> Any help is greatly appreciated,
> Seamus
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