* Jim Wilson -- Thursday 20 May 2004 01:46:
> Melchior FRANZ said:
> > Here's a small MetaPost file that I used to make the Bo105 rotor tacho
> > (which is totally made up; need some expert advice first):
> Check out:
> http://www.airliners.net/open.file/438320/L/

Hey, very cool. The best cockpit photo that I've seen so far. How could I miss
that. The sad thing is that none of the photos agree on instrument layout.
(I miss an ADF, btw.) Looks like Maik's rotor RPM numbers are off (442 RPM).
I can't make sense of the dual tacho.

Maybe I can get some better pictures in the future: A RL Bo105 pilot contacted
me for the 3d model and said he could send me some photos. He hasn't tried
fgfs yet and I'm not sure if he will. But he's an army pilot and where there's
one, there should be others. Once our FDM is considered finished, I could try
to pick up a tester.  :-)

> >   http://members.aon.at/mfranz/tach.mp  (1.9kB)

> Looks interesting.

... and it's easier to learn than Perl, as long as you stay away from the
more obscure language features. (Those can be scary.)


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