For JSBSim (and I imagine, YASim, and others), our turbine model (for example) features various temperatures that can be reported on a panel display. For any unique aircraft, as well, there will be some arbitrary number of engines, with controls associated with each engine. In JSBSim, at least, we have associated properties with each engine control.

I had wondered at one point whether properties would make it very simple to hook up various FDM parameters with associated FlightGear-side panel objects -- also (I assumed) referenced via properties.

I suspect now that this has a not-so-simple answer, and it will be plain to see here that this is an area I am not at all familiar with.

If I was to create an FDM for a hypothetical aircraft (call it the X-100) powered by six turbojets, I would of course like to have a 3D model and a panel for it. I suspect that I could not simply code up the definition for the panel, and link up the "live" panel components with the associated JSBSim-side properties. Correct? Even if this was possible, it would then (I expect) preclude other FDMs from using the panel model, and this is bad. I haven't looked at the FGInterface code in a while, but I suspect that that is where the handoff occurs, from JSBSim-side properties to FlightGear-side properties. True?

If true, is this optimal? Does it provide for good a plug-and-play design approach? Is there a better way? Is there a FAQ? :-)


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