Sorry, I should have quote this instead:

 Christian Brunschen worte:
> Consider an aircraft with *lots* of different things that can be 
> changed; including things like autopilot, radios, and so on. Rather 
> than having to have all possible things accessible from the keyboard - 
> likely leading to overloading of keys through modifiers, i.e., having 
> to use 'x' and 'shift-x' to mean different things - one could cycle 
> through having the keyboard 'focus' on different parts of the 
> instrument panel. One second the entire keyboard could be 'dedicated' 
> to setting up the autopilot just right, thus allowing lots of freedom 
> in the choice of which keys do what; by a simple keypress the keyboard 
> configuration could be changed to look at only the radios, with the 
> same keys that would change the heading on the autopilot configuration, 
> now used to change the frequency of the main communication radio, for 
> instance.

If a panel is dedicated to a specific key bindings when it is selected, then 
we need to unselect it and tell FlightGear to use the original keybindings 
after a certain time.  You don't want the user to forgot about cancelling the 
selection until it is too late.


On June 25, 2004 12:55 pm, Josh Babcock wrote:
> Hmm, what do you mean by focus?  I was envisioning a purely visual thing
> that would be turned on/off for the whole panel by the user.  By focus I
> assume you mean the ability of a mouse click to change something on the
> panel, which is now a function of the mouse mode.
> Josh

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