tiagogusmao said:

> You can take a look at these screenshots:
> http://tiagogusmao.home.sapo.pt/l1011/finalv1.jpg
> this one is my first try, there are missing parts, and the tail is horrible.
> Current version is this one:
> http://tiagogusmao.home.sapo.pt/l1011/tail-hstab.jpg
> It's just a matter of finishing the tail, and add small details
> It has around 10000 tris and 7000 vertices, is that ok for FG?

Looks like they (the vertices) have been wisely used.  Nice job, good detail.
If you have a doubts compare to some of the other models.  That many vertices
is a little heavy,  but first impression from the screenshots is the usage is
not unreasonable.  Just make sure you aren't wasting any.



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