> History is repeating itself: two different tri-jets are introduced at the
> sametime. ;-)
The MD-11 too is a very nice tri-jet, i'm looking forward to see it in action :)

> > The editor used was Milkshape, so i will be using .3DS
> >
> Make sure the extension is in lower case: .3ds
> The model looks good, though the area around the windshield seems to need
> some
> improvement.
Yes, the windshield is not very accurate, the L1011 is a very complicated
aircraft IMHO, and my editor doesn't help too much but if after texturing,
something doesn't look right, I'll redo that part

> By the way, what type of engines do the tristar uses?

The L1011-500 uses the Rolls-Royce RB211-524B
take a look here for details:

> I have good experiences creating a basic FDM for the MD11 using aeromatic. The
> earomatic script creates an xml file that you can later edit to tweak. My
> experience is that you most likely want to change the engine file and fuel
> tank sections a bit to get the overall performance and range in the right
> ballpark, but other than that the default aeromatic does a reasonable job

thanks for the links and info, I've used aero-matic today, the process is very
straight-forward and it's a good way to get started with a working file, it's a
nice tool :)

> (note, I'm neither a pilot nor an aeronautical engineer, so my idea of
> *reasonable* might actually be quite unreasonble )

Me neither, but I've met a few online, if you have any trouble, i can ask them
to enlighten us :)

Tiago Gusmão

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