Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:

After some thoughts, I think what FlightGear needs the most right now is not money; rather, it should be publicity. Without publicity, it will be naive to hope that some kind souls will happened to stumbled upon FlightGear.

There are certainly a lot of things we could use like more and better publicity. And a lot of things we (and I) could do better. All our developers are volunteers. That limits what we can do and how fast we can do it. As the project manager I find that many of my days get fully consumed with my full time job, my family, and other obligations. Some days it's tough just to skim the list traffic, and impossible to respond to anything.

I believe FlightGear is in a place where it could really benefit from a full time project manager and a full time developer (or two (or three.)) We could really move quickly to the next level if we had some full time funded people. I don't know how that would happen, and I'm not sure we could sustain ourselves economically like that, but it certainly would be a huge boost to the project to have one or more full time people.

For the past few months I have been paid 50% time by a ATC Flight Simulators to do some work specific to their projects. Some of this involves FlightGear, but much of it does not. In some ways this has been good because some of my paid work can go back to the FlightGear project, but in other ways this is bad because it takes away from some time I used to have to devote to project management. And if you are adding my % time numbers and scratching your head, don't forget that factoring in deadlines and things like that, 50% doesn't always mean 50% ...

Anyway, the point is that we could really benefit from figuring out some way to get a couple of our core developers going full time for FlightGear ... but it will probably take someone with more business sense than me to figure out how to pull that off.



Curtis Olson HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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