Norman Vine wrote:
Boris Koenig  writes:

Ya, I see - and somehow even gotta agree ... having meanwhile tried to
summarize the Nasal extensions that I would *minimally* need,

Hey I've got an idea !

I am listening ;-)

Why don't you commission one of the FlightGear developers to write the extensions you seem to *need* and pay for it with advertisement
revenue from your site :-)

lol, it really seems that I am making a very commercially oriented impression on most folks here:

Well, thanks for that idea, but on the one hand _I_ don't *need* a
certain extension, but rather would like to be able to extend FlightGear itself in a way to make it useful for even a broader audience.

On the other hand I mentioned already that I  would probably be able to
customize the original FlightGear sources myself, of course that would
take some more time - but this is then also something I wouldn't want to
do, because I was a) told it wouldn't be necessary to make many C++
changes myself, and then also that b)some of my additions would be
unlikely to get accepted for an official release, simply because
of objections against "blowing" Nasal itself more up.

But, *if* I should really start implementing the stuff, I'd of
course want the whole thing to be officially available within
each FlightGear release.

Also, you don't seem to have read the whole FliteTutor webpages:
this is not about some kind of commercial idea, rather it's currently
merely about a *CONCEPT* for a particular extension, that -should it
achieve implementation level- would still be supposed to become
opensource (see the FAQ).

So, I don't have any financial intentions whatsoever, nor do I plan
to put ads on the sourceforge webpage, and by the way I HIGHLY doubt
that would create _any_ revenue at all - the most visitors (not hits)
I've had there so far, were 50 on one day, currently I am at most at a dozen a day.

So, taking all these into account the FliteTutor idea itself would
certainly not put me into the position to make any significant
(financial) contributions to FlightGear. ;-)

--------- Boris

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