Boris Koenig said:

> Hi !
> As a user on the FG user list requested a patch from base package
> pre2->pre3 in order to reduce download size/time, I was looking for the
> required pre2 package, it doesn't seem to be available on 
> anymore - so I decided to look what base package I am
> currently using in order to see whether I could simply tar my current 
> base directory and use this as a patch basis, but there doesn't seem to
> be any version information included in the base directory either, nor 
> does fgfs --version provide _any_ information at all, I think
> particularly the version information via command line
> should be added ASAP,  possibly even directly available from within
> FlightGear.

There are no pre-release tags, but you could probably do a cvs checkout by
date if you wanted to be sure. 

This link to a cvs log shows the date/time that pre2 was finalized:

Note that this log happens to refer to the file that contains the version
number.  It's called "version" and is located in the base package directory.



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