On Thursday 18 November 2004 08:01, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Martin Spott wrote
> > [...]
> >
> > > Did you manage to take off?
> >
> > With a BO105 it's pretty easy, it is feasible with the C172
> > but for the TSR-2 the strip is too short. I was too lazy to
> > shift the starting position to the beginning of the
> > 'runway', otherwise it _might_ have worked out. So I crashed
> > into the sea ....
> I don't know. Mathias provides you with a perfectly good
> carrier-capable aircraft, and you use every other kind ... :-)
> Regards,
> Vivian


um, yes - the TSR-2 probably isn't the best a/c for carrier 
stuff.  The FDM needs really an overhaul because the take-off 
performance isn't right - it currently lifts off at a lower 
speed if reheat isn't used :( - and it was designed to have a 
good stol performance, albeit with extending nose-gear to 
increase the AoA.  The current FDM is pretty poor in this 


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