Hi All
Tonight I thought I would texture the tail of an aircraft I am in
the process of doing.The tail consists of three objects.The vertical
stabilizer,upper and lower rudder.So as not to have one side of the fin
back the front I fragmented the three objects and then devided the
fin into left and right and applied the textures.I then merged the three
objects back into there individual objects and saved the file.I made no
other changes to the model what so ever.When I went to start FG it
got as far as the pip noise and there it stalled.I then went back and removed
the texture for the vertical stabilizer and FG started just fine.Infact FG starts
just fine if the texture is removed from either the fin or the upper rudder.
Also if I group all three objects and apply the texture FG works fine except
one side of the tail is back the front.
Does anyone know what might be going on here and how it might be fixed.
The objects are all textured off the one texture sheet in AC3D.
I dont know what it is with vertical fins but I have nothing but trouble trying
to get them textured.


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