On Thursday 26 May 2005 02:50, Geoff Reidy wrote:
> Lee Elliott wrote:
> > I'm having a strange problem that may be linked to this.
> >
> > Now when I start at KSFO, looking forward, I'm getting <
> > 1fps. Same with the heli & chase views.  If I switch to the
> > tower it's the same until I start zooming in.  At around 15
> > deg fov the frame rate jumps up to around 25-30 fps.  Switch
> > back to the chase view and it's back down to < 1 fps.
> >
> > Incidentally, the a/c I'm checking with has slowly revolving
> > props so I can see the changes in frame rate very clearly.
> >
> > Anyway, back to the chase view and rotate the view around
> > using shift and the num-pad.  Shift-9 is fine - > 20 fps,
> > shift-6 < 1 fps, shift-3 > 20 fps.  From 2 through to 8 are
> > all < 1 fps.
> >
> > Try KJFK.  Here only one view gives problems (can't remember
> > exactly which one now though).  It's also apparent while
> > using the mouse to change the view.
> >
> > Back to KSFO, tower view and try a take off - > 20 fps.  Try
> > chase view and < 1 fps until just after the last of the
> > white blocks on the runway (sorry, don't know their proper
> > name) when it jumps to > 20 fps.
> >
> > It'll also happen while I'm flying - I flew out over
> > downtown SFO and was heading back to KSFO at > 20 fps but
> > then it dropped back down to < 1fps.
> >
> > I'm guessing that it's due to a scenery or random object
> > problem, as it also happened at KJFK where there're no
> > custom scenery objects, but I can't identify what it can be.
> >
> > Any ideas anyone?  FG is pretty unusable for me atm.
> >
> > FWIW, glxgears gives > 3900 fps here.
> >
> > LeeE
> I get this problem also with any of the Nvidia Linux 7xxx
> drivers. Other programs like torcs still run fine, only fgfs
> seems to be affected.
> I used to get 30 to 40 fps at KSFO. If I look down at the
> cockpit (still at KSFO) or up at the sky or I look to the
> right more than about 15 degrees or to the left at about 90
> degrees it runs at normal speed. Look straight ahead and I get
> about 1 frame every five seconds. Same result at KEMT.
> Have looked through the nvidia forums but haven't seen anyone
> complain of problems like this.
> Geoff

Thanks for that Geoff.  I've already got a couple of older 
drivers and I believe that all the old drivers can still be 
downloaded from the archive at nVidia.

I'll give it a go here and report back.


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