Jim Wilson wrote:

From: Josh Babcock

Did someone change the property browser so you can't watch the values
change in real time? How do I get this back?


Which property are you looking at?  It has been a very long time, so I might be 
a little off here.  IIRC the a property node is only updated if the responsible 
subsystem (e.g. the FDM interface) writes to it.  If that subsystem does not 
write to the property then the property only gets updated when the property 
picker does a read which is bound to a getter in the responsible subsystem.

My guess is something changed in the subsystem you want data from,  probably by 
someone trying to save cpu cycles.

BTW, if this is what has happened, developers should note that the flightgear 
will in many cases (probably most cases) run FASTER if the subsystem that owns 
a property updates it once every frame.

Of course there might be a bug in the latest property system work...but the 
code I have, which is fairly recent, still shows some real time updates in the 
property picker.

As I understand it, here is how things have always worked. Properties that are "tied" to C++ variables don't update automatically. You can click on the "." at the top to "refresh" the values. Properties that exist soley within the property system will update "live" in the property browser.



Curtis Olson        http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
HumanFIRST Program  http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project  http://www.flightgear.org
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