On June 17, 2005 03:02 pm, Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
> I have started to add some volumetric shadows in Flightgear.
> It uses the standard stencil method to count shadow volume (let me know
> if you want an implementation
> without stencil, it can also be done with the alpha buffer).
> A few days ago I thought that it would be overkill for the processor or
> the graphic card to add this effect, but with
> a few optimisations the impact on frame rate - while still noticeable -
> is acceptable.
> I can render the Concorde with a debug build so all is not lost if your
> computer is not 10 years old.
> Some screenshots here :
> http://sites.estvideo.net/tipunch/flightgear/lab/shadows.html
> Let me know what you think of that.
> nb: only the AC is casting shadows atm, I still need to verify how are
> handled other objects in the scene graph
> (tile objects, AI objects, etc).
> Harald.
Finally, there is shadow in FlightGear. =)

Couple of questions:

Do the authors of the aircrafts have to specify the objects that can cast 
shadow, or is it all done automatically?

On aircrafts that have multiple level of details, such as the MD-11, majority 
of the objects are made invisible.  If these invisible objects cast shadow as 
well, it might produce huge overhead.  Is your code intelligent enough to 
leave these invisible objects out of the calculations?

Unlike other aircrafts where everthing is put into a single mesh file, the 
A380 model is split into multiple files to allow meshes of different format 
to work together.  Does shadow work on the A380?

Finally, what is the minimal graphic card requirment to be able to see shadow?


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