Vivian Meazza wrote:
> What does it do for defined properties that contain null/nil?

It doesn't.  The solver doesn't actually try to read properties during
solution (which would be madness -- you would get different solution
results by changing values that aren't in the aircraft definition
file).  At solution time, the solver assumes that any undefined
properties are zero, and applies any of the values it finds in the
<control> tags.

> > although you can make arbitrary property settings in the
> > approach/cruise definitions up at the top.  Some of the aircraft
> ???

Sorry, didn't finish the sentence.  Some of the aircraft use this to
set a non-zero trim for the cruise solution.

> No - nothing else has been modified. I've gone back to the cvs-head version
> of source and data. This is the _only_ change in the code anywhere:
> <!--<control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle"
>                    control="THROTTLE"/>-->
>     <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/boost-control"
>                    control="THROTTLE"/>

Bingo.  That's the bug.  You commented out the throttle!  How is the
engine supposed to produce thrust when the throttle input is zero? :)

You need *both* the inputs for them to be added together.


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