Christian Mayer wrote:
> Shouldn't you then be able to get these documents easily by the
> freedom of information act?

I dunno, I've never made a FOIA request.  But from what I've been led
to believe it's a very slow, bureaucratic process.  And in this case
it will be complicated because of the fact that the documents were (I
assume) originally classified.  They might very well *still* be
officially classified if nothing has happened to change things.  The
ones that are available on the market are, I would guess, photocopies
of versions that diffused out of the military over time and were never

Basically, I honestly don't know, and don't have the patience to find
out.  That's why I'm generally grateful to folks like for bothering to collect this stuff for posterity,
even if it involves a ridiculous proprietary encryption scheme.


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