Don Oliver wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have made an .ac file of a small portion of the
> model that I am building. OS is Win Xp Pro.
> Following is QSMX.xml in \Models:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <PropertyList>
>   <path></path>
> </PropertyList>
> ************
> Following is my original QSMX-set.xml in
> \Aircraft\QSMX:
> <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
> <PropertyList>
>   <sim>
>      <description>Quicksilver MX</description> 
>      <model>
>        <path>Aircraft/QSMX/Models/QSMX.xml</path> 
>      </model>
>    </sim>
> </PropertyList>
> ***************
> When starting FlightGear, a "FlightGear Aborting"
> message appears, and FlightGear closes.
> When I added the line:  
> <flight-model>ufo</flight-model>, as follows:
> <?xml version="1.0" ?> 
> <PropertyList>
>   <sim>
>      <description>Quicksilver MX</description> 
>      <flight-model>ufo</flight-model> 
>      <model>
>        <path>Aircraft/QSMX/Models/QSMX.xml</path> 
>      </model>
>    </sim>
> </PropertyList>
> ***********
> Now FlightGear starts, with my model having the flight
> characteristics of the ufo. However, the DOS panel
> shows the following:
> Incorrect path in configuration file.
> Error: base = 0,1180.65 course = 0.830873 dist =
> 1.27905e +007
> amd more similar lines.
> Two questions:
> Why does FG abort without the <flight-model> line, and
> how can I find out which configuration file has the
> incorrect path.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Don Oliver
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The first question is pretty easy, you can't fly without a flight model.
If you are just working on the visual model, ufo is fine. To get an
airplane flying look at YASim or JSBsim.
is a good place to start. You could also steal an existing flight model
and adapt it to your uses.

As to the second question, does $FG_ROOT/Aircraft/QSMX/Models/QSMX.xml
exist? If so, what does it contain?


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