
some time ago I posted that I had some project for custom scenery around
Lake Constance in the most southern part of Germany going. Now that the
legal issues are solved I'm proud to present the first comparison
screenshots :-)


The standard scenery (on the left of the pictures) is from today.

And: No, the framerates are not representative. It's quite smooth on my
Laptop under Linux (ATI Mobility Radeon 9600 M10).

However, it could become tricky when all the roads and streets are
added, which a friend of mine digitized.

Actually I had to reduce them to major freeways and railroads as
TerraGear choked on the smaller roads. Interestingly it's killed some
time into the process by a SIGKILL which doesn't come from itself. I
already had a look into the kernel logs but no out-of-memory-kill is
logged and CPU-overload-killing would have seen SIGXCPU before. Besides:
I have set no limits on CPU-load and memory is far from out when the
KILL happens. I'll have to figure that out.

We haven't digitised all area data (population, forest, etc.) around the
lake yet so at some points it's just green, but as somebody living there
I can tell you: The custom scenery is far more like the real thing than
the standard scenery. ;-)

For example, VMAP0 has a highway going nearly all the way through the
area north-west of the lake. This highway does not exist. It was planned
though, but never built.

We already did quite a number of flights around the new scenery and now
it's actually possible to navigate visually. VMAP0 is missing some of
the towns so you never know what town it is you see below you ;-)


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